Angéle and Valérie will welcome you and guide you through this incredible history, with a wealth of anecdotes to tell, so let yourself be transported 110 years back in time.

A sleeping treasure since 100 years in the attic of the farmhouse

Glass plates of negatives
Glass plates of negatives

4000 glass plates of photos

In the renovated Thuillier farmhouse, discover an amazing photo collection.

In Louis Thuillier's barn

The photos are displayed in a scenography to tell you this story.

The exhibition
The exhibition
Antoinette's photo lab
Antoinette's photo lab
The gallery wall
The gallery wall

The renovated Thuillier farmhouse


The Vignacourt 14-18 Interpretive Centre welcomes you in the renovated Thuillier farmhouse to share the amazing story of this collection. Discover portraits of soldiers and civilians from the entire world, taking the pose in front of Louis and Antoinette Thuillier's camera.


An adapted architecture

View from the reception
View from the reception

To finish your visit

360° video in overlap reality

Dive in a 360° experience with videos about three photos of the Thuillier collection.

Visitors can walk and be taken 100 years back in time. Live the experience !

One enlargement - the barn
One enlargement - the barn
One enlargement on a metallic structure
One enlargement on a metallic structure

The Vignacourt 14-18 Interpretive Centre staff

welcomes you and share the amazing discovery.

They stay at your disposal if you would like a guided tour.

Nous contacter :

196 rue d'Amour 

80650 Vignacourt 

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